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Monday, 7 September 2015

The Three Peaks from a unique Perspective! - Part 3

The weather for Cadair Idris was beautifully sunny and got us in the mood for our second climb and we started our climb at about 12:45 PM and we headed towards the foot of the mountan and began climbing the rocky and grassy slope as it passed across stiles and gates and got steeper and steeper as the climb continued.

The views were stunning and the climb was continual, so stamina was needed to go up and up and up and there was another narrow path with a steep drop to the right and because my moment on Snowdon was still playing on my mind, I wasn't sure I could go any further, but after taking a second to allow the other team members to go a little ahead, a couple appeared from my left and I realised there was a rocky path slightly left of the narrow path and whilst they advised me not do take it because it was a difficult climb, I told them I wasn't comfortable with the narrow path, but the rocky path seemed like a better option, they said go for it, so I did and it removed the decision from my hands having to decide whether to take the narrow path or not 
I caught up with the others past the narrow path and we continued up the mountain, taking in the stunning scenery and basking in the sunlight and after some time of climbing upwards, we made it to a flat part of the mountain where you could see right over the valley (if you were inclined to do, which I wasn't), but I did go fairly close and look over as much as I dared and it was very beautiful.

We continued on for a bit then until we reached the foot of the summit of Cadair Idris at around 3:00 PM and as my earlier moment on Snowdon was haunting me a little, I was in two minds whether to climb to the top of the summit or not, but I decided it looked to difficult for me to climb (I felt I needed to be alone to climb it so not too many people around, but obviously I needed someone experienced there in case I needed advice/help), and the last thing I wanted was to be stuck on the summit and unable to get down, so again, I was happy to make it to the foot of the summit of Cadair Idris (I even edged myself ever closer as far as I dared before we all left and began our descent down the mountain.

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